Friday, April 2, 2010

sorry for lack of blogs

I would like to apologize for lack of blogs because I have gotten lazy. I will now bring you up to date on how my adventure in Poland has been going and I promise to update more often.

I left off in November after my Berlin trip. About 2 weeks after that we went to Warsaw, the capital of Poland.It was early December and they were getting ready for Christmas in Warsaw. Warsaw was actually really nice and a lot of the people there spoke English.We got to see some friends from America who are on the same program as my dad here. In Polish Warsaw is spelled Warszawa and pronounced Var-shaw-va. In Warsaw we saw the Warsaw uprising museum and saw the Palace of Culture built by Stalin after World War II. We went out to eat a lot and my favorite place was this German place where we ate lunch with some of my dad's c0llegues. Warsaw is about 5 hours by train from Gdansk. It was 80% destroyed in World War II by the Germans. The Red Army was coming close to taking the Germans out of Warsaw, so before the Russians could get to Warsaw, the Germans destroyed the city. We saw where the Jewish Ghetto uprising was, which is different than the Warsaw uprising. They were two different uprisings in two different locations. In the Warsaw uprising, the Polish fighters would get through town through the sewage system because otherwise they would be killed by the Nazi army. The Warsaw uprising could have been a success and the Polish were winning, they just expected the Russians to help them when the Nazis called in for back-up. But the Russians stayed on the other side of the Vistula River and watched as the Nazis quashed the Polish rebellion.

After Warsaw we went to Budapest, Hungary in late December/ Early January. I will tell you about that in my next blog which I promise will be soon.

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